10 Amazing Reasons to Use Child Custody Mediation
Child custody mediation is a great alternative to court hearings. Children bear the brunt of the emotional trauma in matters of this sort and any avenue that can be taken to lessen the pain.
What is Child Custody Mediation?
Unlike traditional court cases that encourage parental rivalry and conflict, child custody mediation provides a pleasant alternative that has the child’s best interest at heart. This collaborative process encourages divorced parents to put their differences aside and come to a mutual agreement that is going to positively impact their child.
How Does it Work?
This peaceful process allows divorced parents to contribute positively to their child’s present and future life. Both parents are motivated to discuss the positive contributions that each one brings to their child’s life. This process also encourages parents to set aside their personal differences for the sake of their child.
The Role of the Mediator
The mediator plays a neutral role in mediation. This basically means that he/she will not take sides, but instead recommend ways in which both parents can work together to provide the best possible outcome for their child, given the circumstances. Instead of allowing parents to play the “blame game”, a mediator will steer parents away from the past and help them to focus on the future, pointing out how vital it is to their upbringing.
Child Custody Mediation Can Help Relieve Stress
The tension and constant conflict during a divorce can often cause insomnia and increased impatience when dealing with your children. This stems from the ever present rivalry between you and your spouse, if you could find a way to leave the past where it belongs, however, you could find new ways to communicate more effectively. This is where the mediator comes in. They help parents move ahead and leave the past behind. They also help you to develop new ways of communicating with each other that is both suitable and beneficial for the child.
Creating a Win – Win Outcome
Since mediation ignores the unnecessary arguing, and guilt trips that most divorce cases come with, parents will soon realize that the most important person in the equation is the child. Once the parenting plan is put together, a judge will assess it and if all is in order, it will ultimately become a court order, in which the child will finally benefit from.
Mediation is also significantly cheaper than paying a lawyer by the hour. You also get to leave out all the negative aspects of divorce and child custody to focus on the most important party involved in child custody mediation, your child.
Toronto divorce lawyers deal with these kinds of problems all the time. Whether it be child support or another matter of family law, get in touch with us today.