Sneaky Signs of a Cheating Spouse
Most spouses are often aware through intuition that something is not right with their relationship. Before you decide to investigate, spend some time thinking what step you’ll take if your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. If your spouse has committed adultery and you no longer want to stay, you can file for divorce with our Toronto family lawyers. Divorce in Canada can be granted by providing valid proof that adultery occurred. Apart from your intuition, watch out for the following physical signs.
Sudden Makeover
If you notice that they have a new wardrobe and a new hairstyle, you cannot help thinking what prompted this change. When they start looking for the slightest excuse to be away from home, it should be a warning sign. Troubling signs also include if they form a habit of showering once they get home. Or they keep a change of clothes in the car or office.
Crafty Phone and Internet Tactics
Sneaky phone habits are definitely a warning sign. If they are constantly checking messages in private, switching off the phone when at home or gets nervous whenever another person is using their phone, it could be a sign that they are hiding something.
Other signs you could look for include; deleted text or call history, changes in the phone bill, additional cellphone or new numbers appearing on the contact list. If you also notice that your spouse spends an unusual amount of time on the computer or constantly clears the history, it could be a warning sign.
When you notice that your distant spouse suddenly begins to get affectionate towards you, it is a reason to start investigating. Is he or she taking you out for dinner? Does your spouse leave you to do what you choose? The change in attention could be as a result of the guilt that he or she feels for giving the other lover attention.
Unusual Personal Details
To catch a cheating spouse, you’ll be required to do some investigation. Look out for unusual purchases such as jewelry or watches as they could actually be gifts for the other woman or man. Try to see if you can smell a foreign perfume or look for makeup stains on the shirt. Look for receipts; it will let you know if he or she is dining out at places you were not told about.
Sexual Behavior
If you have been intimate more than usual, it could be a sign that your spouse is trying to make up for the infidelity by giving you more attention and sexual favors. You may also notice that your spouse is introducing new sexual positions, this could be a sign that they are being sexually adventurous with someone else.
Your spouse’s infidelity could harm you economically and emotionally; therefore, you need to find a solution to the problem. If you decide to end your marriage, make sure you hire an experienced divorce attorney to help you with the divorce process.