When parents divorce or separate, one of the most crucial considerations is ensuring that their child’s financial needs are met. Child support covers the basic costs of raising a child, including housing, food, and clothing. However, as children grow, additional expenses, such as school-related costs and extracurricular activities, become essential for their development and well-being....
Even when things are good, co-parenting can be one of the hardest things parents will ever do. In addition to negotiating child-support payments and parenting arrangements, there are a lot of emotions involved in co-parenting a child. But all of this can become even more challenging when you’re co-parenting a child with special needs. If you’re co-parenting with a special needs child, here...
While the COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for children over the age of 12, it is still the individual choice of families as to whether or not to have their kids vaccinated. But what happens when divorced or separated parents have different views on the matter?
Many co-parenting decisions are made through compromise, but this is one area where compromise is not always possible. And unless...
The COVID-19 has put stress on all parents in ways that many could not expect. For parents already dealing with the stress associated with being separated and having to come to agreements with their ex over co-parenting issues, there are some unique challenges.
Children may find that their routine is disrupted, and expectations may have to be managed. The following are a few tips to help your...
As vaccines roll out across the province, Ontarians are becoming eligible for the COVID vaccines at younger and younger ages. Currently, the major manufacturers of these vaccines have either undergone or are undergoing studies on their vaccines’ efficacy and safety for children. And many health experts are already forecasting that COVID vaccines for children will be widely available soon.
The laws around child custody in Ontario surrounding a father’s visitation rights to be with his children are one of the most misunderstood areas of divorce. They’re complex and fraught with emotional baggage and long-term consequences for the father and most importantly – to the children.
You know your place is standing with your children. They need you, your love, and your wise counsel and...
Parental alienation describes a behaviour in which one parent acts to undermine an otherwise solid parent-child relationship. It consists of turning a child or children against their other parent via manipulation causing a child to reject one parent.
What is Parental Alienation in Custody Disputes?
Parental alienation is a common negative factor in many custody disputes, and the forms of such...
Separation and divorce can be a brutally painful and ongoing source of disruption to your life – and the lives of your children and to the lives of many Canadian families.
What does divorce do to a child?
The body of research is clear: common reactions to divorce can be limited over the short term and as parents come to terms with the changes divorce brings, their children often regain their...
When two parents split up, it can oftentimes be a difficult task to negotiate the roles in the children’s lives, and how things will change. Consider our divorce lawyers in Toronto to help you with this task. However, it is crucial that there is meaningful parent involvement from both parents in order to create a positive lifelong relationship with children. This may be achieved through...
Adolescent access introduces parents to a whole world of change. Parents will now have to contend with the wishes of their growing child. This also means that certain routines will have to be adjusted based on the requirements of your adolescent child, possibly even living arrangements. A Toronto divorce lawyer can assist you and your problems. Pick up the phone today to speak with one of our...