Your relationship with your spouse may have failed, but you are both determined to handle it like adults. After the separation and the dealings with your divorce lawyer, you want the children to have the exact same feelings of safety and well-being around mum and dad that they do now.
The unfortunate fact is, no matter how loving your family is, your relationship with your children after...
According to a 2011 General Social Survey on Families, around five million Canadians either divorced or separated sometime within the last 20 years.
Clinical counselor Bill Wagg said: “We are the first and second generation to have such a high divorce rate. In the last 10 years, there’s been a real effort to have children spend equal time with each parent. We don’t know yet...
There is ample case law confirming that the beneficiary of a trust has a property interest for FLA purposes. Black v. Black, O.J. No. 1975, 18 R.F.L. (3d) 303 (H.C.J.); Brinkos v. Brinkos, O.J. No. 1140, 20 R.F.L. (3d) 445; and many others. I have never seen a case where a non-beneficiary of a trust was found to have a property interest in the trust for FLA purposes.
In Spencer v. Riesberry,...
Finding the right divorce and annulment lawyers in Toronto is of the utmost importance, not just for your wallet, but also for your family’s future and your own sanity.
With that in mind, we’re going to talk you through some of the traits and things you can expect from a good lawyer, along with some of the warning bells you should try and avoid at all costs.
Traits of reputable...
Under the federal Divorce Act, divorce is granted if the marriage has broken down. A marriage is said to have broken down if the spouses have lived separately for a year or more, if adultery has occurred or there is evidence of mental or physical cruelty. Keep in mind when filing for divorce in Ontario, it must be the other spouse that commits adultery, a person cannot apply for divorce based...
Most affairs begin when a spouse starts to have a connection with someone else. Infidelity causes emotional and financial difficulties; this is especially so when a spouse showers the third party with lavish gifts. If you are suspicious that your spouse has an extra marital affair, you may be wondering what the signs of infidelity are. Discussed below are things you need to look out for if...
You have a deep feeling that something is not right but you cannot point at something specific. Your husband has become distant and you have reasons to suspect he is cheating. Although you may have suspicions, having proof could help. Suspicions of infidelity cause insecurity, fear, anger anxiety and even depression. Here are warning signs that your husband could be cheating.
Lack of Intimacy...
Having a cheating spouse is a concern that haunts many couples in marriage. Just the thought of your husband or wife kissing another person makes you cringe.
Some will overlook obvious signs of a cheating spouse only to be surprised later with divorce papers dumped in their laps and sitting in front of a family lawyer. Most couples tend to overlook these signs because the pain that comes with...
Most spouses are often aware through intuition that something is not right with their relationship. Before you decide to investigate, spend some time thinking what step you’ll take if your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. If your spouse has committed adultery and you no longer want to stay, you can file for divorce with our Toronto family lawyers. Divorce in Canada can be granted by...
Break ups are hard, but losing the friendship of your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is what makes it so difficult. The reason behind the break up determines whether you will remain friends with your ex or not. It’s easier to continue being friends with your ex if you had a solid friendship before you started dating. The following tips will help you establish a platonic relationship with your...