Marriage Contracts and the Matrimonial Home
Prenuptial Agreements or Marriage Contracts are not just for the rich. Marriage is a partnership. Anyone entering into a partnership should understand the terms of that relationship and protect their rights with due diligence. That means most people, especially those individuals bringing assets into the marriage, should take the time to draft a Prenuptial Agreement or Marriage Contract....Is Mediation a good option to resolve the issues arising from my separation?
There are several reasons why mediation is usually a good option for a resolution of the issues arising from the parties separation, namely, as follows: (more…)How can I use mediation to resolve the issues arising from my separation?
There are several methods of resolving the issues arising from the separation from your partner through mediation. Firstly, you and your partner can retain a mediator to facilitate a resolution of the issues. It is important to note that the mediator will not act as the divorce lawyers for you or your partner. (more…)What are the different mediation styles?
For any dispute brought to mediation, mediators can approach the mediation using one of the following mediation styles: (more…)What is Mediation?
Mediation is a form of dispute resolution. It is a form of negotiated settlement. A mediator is a neutral third party. He/she will facilitate a resolution of the issues and attempt to arrive at a settlement that works for both parties. Lawyers often say that the “best negotiated settlement is when both parties walk away from the table thinking the other person got the better deal”. If...What should I do if I am thinking about separating from my spouse?
The first thing that should be done is become informed. It is incredible how many people have no idea about the financial situation of their family or their spouses. Gather as many documents as possible to substantiate your respective assets and liabilities as of the date of marriage and the date of separation (ie. bank statements, financial statements etc.). You should also make all...Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines are not legislated guidelines. Although they assist family lawyers and the courts in determining the appropriate range of spousal support in a case, the SSAG are not binding on a court. A judge has the inherent discretion to determine what he/she considers the appropriate quantum of support. In Fisher v. Fisher, the Ontario Court of Appeal held that...How to Deal with Your Divorce Lawyer
It is important to keep the following considerations in mind when dealing with your lawyer in your Family Law case and divorce matter. Good communication and staying focused on the well-being of your family is key to a less painful divorce process. (more…)How to Prepare for your Separation/Divorce
In some of our cases, the parties separation has been “brewing” for quite some time. One or both parties may think about separating from their spouse, but they do not approach a lawyer. He/she may be preparing emotionally and financially to separate from his/her spouse. In other cases, a spouse may be surprised to learn that his/her spouse wants to separate. It comes as Fine & Associates Common Law Spouses, Divorce, Marriage, Property Division, Spousal SupportOctober 5, 2011