Can a Divorce Lawyer Make My Ex Pay Child Support?
Whether the answer to this question is “yes” or “no” depends on the role you expect your divorce lawyer to take in the pursuit of child support. While a divorce lawyer cannot be the one to directly make your ex pay child support, they can be instrumental in establishing required payments. What can a divorce lawyer do to secure child support? Your divorce lawyer can...Lessons to Learn From Other People’s Divorce
Whether they’re good or bad, our experiences can teach us a lot. Luckily, we don’t have to have already gone through something to learn from it. Other people’s advice and discoveries are often available to us, even more so now that we have the internet and can reach out to each other across the globe. Here are some lessons that several divorced people say they learned Fine & Associates Counseling, Divorce, Divorce Lawyer Mediation, Divorce Lawyers, Domestic AgreementsFebruary 2, 2016