Maintaining an excellent marriage requires a lot of time and effort in order to make sure that both parties are happy and fulfilled with their nuptial life. When issues rear their head during a marriage, both parties must commit to a lot of work in order to heal the rift created by the problem.
The happiest marriages are often the ones where both partners are fully invested in making...
No matter what the situation in your marriage is, divorce is always a scary word. Countless relationships outlast their expiration date due to fear – fear of being alone, fear of disappointing you family, fear of hurting your children. Fear should never be a reason to stay in a relationship that is no longer serving you and your partner.
Here are a few ways to recognize if you are staying in...
Differences in habits can cause problems for couples, and even lead to divorce. While most people don’t want a partner exactly like them, having some similarities helps create harmony; conversely, some lifestyle choices can destroy a relationship when both partners don’t see eye-to-eye. When the members of a couple have different drinking habits, issues can arise that could end the...
You’re standing in front of a judge, a sheaf of papers in your hand. At the table behind you is your soon-to-be-ex and her family lawyer. You open your mouth to speak. What could possibly go wrong?
According to Jennifer Brandt, family lawyer with the firm of Cozen O’Connor, just about anything. The clients she counsels have wisely chosen not to DIY when it comes to divorce, despite the wealth...
After the first ten years of marriage, you felt that you’d made it – gotten through all there was to get through with your spouse. After twenty years of building a life together, you probably noticed how special your relationship was in terms of longevity alone. But at 30 years of marriage, you’re considering getting a divorce.
Are You Considering Getting a Divorce?
It happens. In fact, it’s...
Talking to children about your divorce may seem so painful that you begin to question whether it’s even necessary to have such a difficult conversation. Yet you know the time will come when something must be said. The question is what to say, and how to say it. Here is what to keep in mind when talking to children about your divorce.
Write out or rehearse what you are going to tell them ahead...
Getting divorced after years of marriage is hard on you emotionally, mentally, and let’s face it, financially. Everything you accumulated together as a couple during your married life must now be catalogued, valuated and divided. It’s hard to put a price tag on assets that have so much sentimental value, such as the family home and the furnishings you picked together. At least some assets...
Your relationship with your spouse may have failed, but you are both determined to handle it like adults. After the separation and the dealings with your divorce lawyer, you want the children to have the exact same feelings of safety and well-being around mum and dad that they do now.
The unfortunate fact is, no matter how loving your family is, your relationship with your children after...
Cheating of some kind (sexual, emotional, facebook) is common in relationships. Even if the person who has been cheated on saw it coming, knows the relationship is troubled, or has suspected infidelity in the past, there is still no way to emotionally prepare for the fact that your partner has, in whatever way, chosen someone else over you.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
For some people,...
According to a 2011 General Social Survey on Families, around five million Canadians either divorced or separated sometime within the last 20 years.
Clinical counselor Bill Wagg said: “We are the first and second generation to have such a high divorce rate. In the last 10 years, there’s been a real effort to have children spend equal time with each parent. We don’t know yet...