Staying together for the sake of the kids is a noble idea. Divorce is never a pleasant situation, and your kids will have to deal with the dissolution of your marriage in spite of your best efforts to shield them from it. Depending on the circumstances, it may indeed be a good idea to remain married. Unfortunately, if the relationship can’t be healed, then staying together for the kids could...
If you are the one who wants a divorce, you may feel calm, in control, and sure of your decision. Going through a divorce is different from what you experienced breaking up with past romantic partners. A divorce formally ends your marriage. It can be a complicated, lengthy and a harrowing procedure. There will be some emotional pain, potential doubts about your choices, and the challenge of...
In Canada, the federal government handles marriage and divorce and is legislated under the Divorce Act. It also has jurisdiction over custodial and access matters, and spousal and child support during and after divorce. Many people going through divorce are unsure and worry about the whole process. Whether you are having trouble with child custody, access, spousal support, hidden assets,...
Family law is important to most Canadians as it regulates relationship between spouses, parents and their children. According to the Canadian family law, marriage and divorce are governed by federal jurisdiction. Other issues including adoption, division of matrimonial property and child support fall under provincial laws which vary across different jurisdictions. The average cost of divorce...
Divorce is more difficult when children are involved, but there is a lot you can do to help children cope with divorce. If you are a parent going through divorce and have been dealing with a divorce lawyer, you are probably worried about the effects it could have on your children. Children’s emotions could go through different stages; they feel sad and worried about what could happen to them....
Divorce is not easy and it’s often not as amicable as you can hope. Our Toronto family lawyers can help you in this process. During divorce, either party could experience the loss of their home, comfort, finances or security. Navigating through divorce is a tricky process; the emotions that you experience can make it difficult to think or act clearly, so you may end up making regrettable...
Divorce papers can come as a shock especially if one spouse is caught off guard. Failure to deal with marital problems once they emerge leads to resentment and contempt. Experts have concluded that marriages do not break, they erode with time. Most couples will end up divorcing because they did not address certain issues once they emerged. Below is a list of signs that your marriage is on the...
In order to qualify to get a divorce in Ontario, you must:
Have been legally married in Canada or another country
Intend to permanently separate from your spouse (or have done so already), with no chance of getting back together
Have lived in Ontario, as must your spouse, for at least 12 months before you apply for divorce
You must be able to prove that your marriage is irreparably broken....
Getting divorced is one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. The last thing you want is to have that stress compounded by unprofessional behavior from your lawyer or ineffective legal help. Still, changing your divorce lawyer is not something to take lightly. You will have to pay your first lawyer’s bill up to the time of dismissal and also pay your new...
If you want to know more about the spousal support guidelines, you need to investigate the details in your particular area. However, there is a federal Divorce Act that spells out some of the rules for support. There will be a number of things under consideration.
Factors to Consider
Needs of the spouses
When a judge takes a look at the case, he or she will have to look at what each...