Will Divorce Make Your Ex a Better Parent
Parenting after divorce can be one of the most difficult aspects of splitting from your spouse. Depending on the circumstances, co-parenting may force you to deal with complications that place obstacles between children and parents. In other cases, when couples divorce, one or both partners may end up becoming better parents because they no longer pour energy into fighting to save the...Make Your Child-Up Parenting Plan Today
When two parents split up, it can oftentimes be a difficult task to negotiate the roles in the children’s lives, and how things will change. Consider our divorce lawyers in Toronto to help you with this task. However, it is crucial that there is meaningful parent involvement from both parents in order to create a positive lifelong relationship with children. This may be achieved through...Superior Legal Separation Strategies for Toronto Parents
For most spouses undergoing legal separation or divorce, child access and custody is a primary point of contention. Daycare or school facilities and staff are frequent expressional outlets of emotional anguish for parents embroiled in acrimonious domestic relations disputes. Parents desire periodic reprieves from stressful child access and custody battles. By the same token, children require...by Fine & Associates Custody Disputes, Parenting Coordinator, Parenting Plans, SeparationSeptember 19, 2013