Dealing with Parental Access in Toronto
Dealing with parental access can be a challenging and emotional process, both for the parents and the children involved. Parental access, also known as visitation or parenting time, refers to the right of a non-custodial parent to spend time with their child. It is a crucial aspect of co-parenting and helps maintain a healthy relationship between the child and both parents. Parental access is...Make Your Child-Up Parenting Plan Today
When two parents split up, it can oftentimes be a difficult task to negotiate the roles in the children’s lives, and how things will change. Consider our divorce lawyers in Toronto to help you with this task. However, it is crucial that there is meaningful parent involvement from both parents in order to create a positive lifelong relationship with children. This may be achieved through...Helping Separated Parents Communicate More Effectively
Divorce is never a pleasant topic, neither are the implications of it on the parties involved. However, it is safe to say that the children bare the brunt of it all in more ways than one. This is why it is so important to have a Toronto divorce lawyer present during the whole ordeal. Many of these children also end up feeling rejected and in some cases, children feel like they are the actual...Getting Kids Out Of The Cross Fire
As traumatic as Divorce may be for the parents involved – it still does not come close to the trauma that the children experience during this entire process. The children caught in the process of litigation and custody matters often suffer mixed emotions and this in return affects them in many areas of their life. Aside from being exposed to parental anger and stress during the parenting...Superior Legal Separation Strategies for Toronto Parents
For most spouses undergoing legal separation or divorce, child access and custody is a primary point of contention. Daycare or school facilities and staff are frequent expressional outlets of emotional anguish for parents embroiled in acrimonious domestic relations disputes. Parents desire periodic reprieves from stressful child access and custody battles. By the same token, children Fine & Associates Custody Disputes, Parenting Coordinator, Parenting Plans, SeparationSeptember 19, 2013