How to File for Legal Separation in Ontario
Married couples in Canada may be considering a legal separation in Ontario. A legal separation is the act of married parties residing in separate dwellings or separate lifestyles. From a legal point of view, there is no way to file for the actual legal separation. Two married persons are separated the moment the marriage is broken, and they go their separate ways. The couple does not need a...Can Men Get Spousal Support From Their Ex-wives?
Spousal support is an amount of money that one former spouse pays the other on a monthly, weekly or biweekly basis. Although the courts will consider various criteria when they are deciding on whether to administer spousal support, the gender of the spouse requesting the support is not one of those criteria. Spousal support has more to do with the income of both of the spouses, and the lower...How to Cope With Marital Separation
Marital separation can be many things. It can be a cooling off period, a time to get some space or even a precursor to divorce. Above all else, though, it is a confusing and often frightening time during which many are left at wit’s end. If you want to make it through a separation, you need to find a way to cope. If you want to keep yourself centered, try following the three pieces of...How Long Does It Take To Get A Divorce In Ontario [Updated 2024]
Wondering how long does it take to get a divorce in Ontario? As in most other places, getting divorced in Ontario can be a difficult and time-consuming process. This is especially true when couples have a hard time communicating with one another and cannot reach acceptable agreements concerning the division of assets and the establishment of child custody and child support the process Fine & Associates Divorce, Divorce Lawyers, Divorce Mediation, Family Lawyer, SeparationOctober 26, 2013
The Main Differences Between Being Separated & Being Divorced
People tend to interchange the terms “separated” and “divorced”. As far as the law is concerned, these two are actually quite distinct. Learning their differences will help individuals to protect their rights and look after the welfare of their children. Our team of Toronto family lawyers can help you with the entire process. Separation Separation happens immediately...Helping Separated Parents Communicate More Effectively
Divorce is never a pleasant topic, neither are the implications of it on the parties involved. However, it is safe to say that the children bare the brunt of it all in more ways than one. This is why it is so important to have a Toronto divorce lawyer present during the whole ordeal. Many of these children also end up feeling rejected and in some cases, children feel like they are the actual...Getting Kids Out Of The Cross Fire
As traumatic as Divorce may be for the parents involved – it still does not come close to the trauma that the children experience during this entire process. The children caught in the process of litigation and custody matters often suffer mixed emotions and this in return affects them in many areas of their life. Aside from being exposed to parental anger and stress during the parenting...Common Child Custody Issues
Though child custody in a divorce proceeding is common, it can be complicated. Parents may feel that they are the victim of parental alienation during this time. This term was coined by Dr. Richard Gardner, which states that one parent brainwashes the child against the other parent to make the child reject that parent and yet think it was their idea. Many times child abuse is alleged by the...Superior Legal Separation Strategies for Toronto Parents
For most spouses undergoing legal separation or divorce, child access and custody is a primary point of contention. Daycare or school facilities and staff are frequent expressional outlets of emotional anguish for parents embroiled in acrimonious domestic relations disputes. Parents desire periodic reprieves from stressful child access and custody battles. By the same token, children Fine & Associates Custody Disputes, Parenting Coordinator, Parenting Plans, SeparationSeptember 19, 2013