Many older parents in Ontario are choosing to share their wealth with their adult children while still alive, rather than waiting to have the funds distributed as part of their Estate after death.
This way, the parents can financially benefit their children and grandchildren much sooner, and perhaps even experience the effects of their own generosity in “real time”. Or, the...
That’s a question we get asked often at our law firm. Of course, the answer is not straightforward since, under Canadian law, it depends on a multitude of factors. But if you have this same question on your mind, here are some key points that will go into the answer – though getting the advice of an experienced Family lawyer is also highly recommended.
(And note that while this blog is...
If you are separating or divorcing from your spouse, you’ll know that a key step in the process is to determine how much annual income each of you earns. Accurately setting those income amounts is important, because it factors into the legal determination of how much spousal or child support must be paid, and by whom.
In a perfect world, each of you would both be forthright and honest about...
Has your spouse been unfaithful? Are you considering a divorce? If so, you might be wondering how your spouse’s adultery affects your own legal rights. Here are some of the key points you should know.
Adultery is one of the grounds for getting a divorce in Canada.
Under the federal Divorce Act, you are only eligible to divorce if you can show there has been a “breakdown of the marriage”. That...
If you are a high-income earner in the process of divorcing your spouse, you might be wondering about how your support obligations to him or her will be calculated. (This presumes that you and your spouse have not already settled this, through a separation agreement or other domestic contract).
There are special principles under Canadian law pertaining to the spousal support payable by...
Living together without getting married doesn’t make a relationship any less valid, and those relationships experience the same issues and roadblocks that legally married couples do. Those relationships can also come to an end – even after years together. The process for ending a common-law relationship is not exactly the same as going through a divorce, but there are some important things...
All Children Are Not Equal Under First Family Practices
Subsequent marriages may often lead to new siblings.
Blended Families: The New Norm
A previous marriage or relationship leaves a lasting impression on the future, especially when a child may be involved as a product of the former marriage. Beyond parental duties, there are financial obligations like child support that remain until a child...
Spousal Support: A Debt that Cannot be Erased
Following a divorce, many debtor spouses find themselves pinching pennies to make support payments.
When Divorce Costs as Much as the Marriage Ceremony
Divorce is expensive. It can often leave long-lasting financial problems for one or both parties. After a court grants a divorce and dissolves the legal bonds of marriage, debt obligations,...
Many people turn to online spousal support calculators, in hopes of making sense of their situation. The anxiety of not knowing what support they can hope for will lead them to try anything.
But you can’t trust an online calculator to give you the whole picture. These tools are not complex enough to be able to give you a good sense of what to expect, especially as your case may not fit...
One of the most devastating consequences of divorce is the financial impact it has on your ability to take care of your children. Child support law in Canada is set up to ensure that kids, who already suffer negative effects from the end of their parents’ marriage, receive financial support from the husband, especially when the divorce compromises the household income of a wife.