Divorce Tips
When you announce to friends and family that you and your spouse are seeking a Divorce, a flurry of advice is sure to come your way. Some Divorce advice may genuinely help; other tips may actually go against Divorce Law or damage the relationship between you, your spouse and your Children. It is best to obtain advice from people who are experienced in the law and not rely on friends and family to provide you with advice.
Fine & Associates Professional Corporation has been helping Toronto-area citizens with Divorce and Family Law issues for years. From our experience, we have gleaned some valuable Divorce tips that can help you navigate the divorce process more smoothly.
Please Do…
- Keep the “big picture” in mind. Getting caught up on little issues like who is going to get the blender will only take more time, which will ultimately cost you more in legal fees. A costly and drawn-out Divorce not only leaves your financial resources depleted, but it is emotionally trying on you and your Children.
- Be child-focused. No matter how you feel about your spouse or the reason for the Divorce, strive to minimize the changes your Children must adjust to and make their best interests your primary concern.
- Work to end your marriage amicably. You may do this by seeking Divorce Mediationand/or using Collaborative Law to finalize the Divorce.
- Seek legal counsel right away. The involvement of an experienced Divorce Lawyer early on can help you safeguard your financial resources and ensure that you are aware of the ramifications of all your actions relating to shared property, support and Child Custody/access.
- Seek emotional support. Divorce Lawyers are not psychiatrists or counselors. We are not trained to help you process emotions. If you feel depressed, angry or overwhelmed, a licensed professional is a better resource to help you and your Children deal with your feelings.
- Be involved. In the end, this is your Divorce. Be involved in the process. Providing documentation and information in a timely fashion to your lawyer will help keep the process moving so you can move on to your new life quicker.
Please Don’t…
- Operate on emotion. Divorces are emotionally charged and stressful, but acting on emotions can make you say or do things that you may later regret. Some of those things can damage your relationship with your Children and/or their relationship with your spouse. Some of the things you say can appear in Affidavits later on, damaging your case.
- Draft your own documents. Documents drafted by someone without legal training often contain oversights that can be costly down the road. To safeguard your assets and minimize the loopholes that can lead to claims later, let an experienced Divorce Lawyer draft all documents, including separation agreements.
- Lie. Concealing evidence or misrepresenting you or your spouse to anyone—your Children, your friends, your lawyer—only destroys your credibility and damages your case. In some instances, it may be against Divorce Law, which could result in fines or other consequences.
The best Divorce advice we can offer is to get help through the process.
We Are Compassionate Family & Divorce Lawyers Who Can Help
For legal Divorce help, Fine & Associates Professional Corporation in Toronto, Ontario has the experience you need to guide you through the divorce process. We provide Divorce Mediation services and are ready to represent you in Trial if it becomes necessary.
For any questions about your Divorce, contact Fine & Associates Professional Corporation.