Is Your Fear of Being Alone Keeping You From Filing A Divorce?
No matter what the situation in your marriage is, divorce is always a scary word. Countless relationships outlast their expiration date due to fear – fear of being alone, fear of disappointing you family, fear of hurting your children. Fear should never be a reason to stay in a relationship that is no longer serving you and your partner.
Here are a few ways to recognize if you are staying in a toxic relationship due to fear.
You Fantasize About a Better Partner
If you find yourself constantly dreaming about a partner that communicates more, is more kind, more giving, more affectionate, has less anger issues, or knows to put the toilet seat down after using the bathroom – you should see that as the big red flag that it is.
When you are truly happy in a relationship, you will encounter bumps – but if your partner consistently refuses to meet your needs and you dream of a partner who will, it is time to get out. That partner you are dreaming of is out there – but you can’t find this ideal mate while you’re tied to the wrong one.
You Fight More Than You Have Fun
A telltale sign that you’re staying for the wrong reasons is when the bad times start to heavily outweigh the good.
All relationships go through ups and downs, and you should never give up and throw in the towel just because you’re in a down period – but if the down period has lasted years, and you’ve tried therapy and done the work, but you’re still unhappy – you have to think hard about why you’re really staying.
A rough patch is supposed to be just that – a patch. If that patch starts to stretch out into a football field, it might be time to consider what you need to be truly happy right now.
You Can’t Fathom Living On Your Own
If the thought of leaving crosses your mind, and the first thought that pops up is, “but I could never live alone,” you are not staying for the right reasons.
Living alone can be a struggle at first, but there are countless ways to mitigate the perceived downfalls of not having someone else around to talk to. Staying active, having friends over, saying yes to new opportunities, and learning how to be alone in your home and enjoy that time will empower you in ways you never could have imagined until you are free from the ties of an unhappy marriage.
Fine & Associates: Your Family and Divorce Law Specialists
Are you going through a separation or divorce and need legal advice? Contact Fine & Associates today at (416) 650-1300. Our team of dedicated legal professionals understand that this is a challenging time for you and your family. That’s why we treat you with respect, professionalism and courtesy.