How to Check Your Divorce Status in Ontario
Divorce is a major life event. It’s a very rule-heavy, document-laden procedure. As with many other aspects of life, the divorce process has been streamlined and enhanced through the use of technology. Divorce records are now online – but that doesn’t mean they are freely accessible.
If you’re in Ontario, here are some of the essentials you should know, about getting information about the status of your divorce, or copies of your Divorce Certficate.
1. Can I Check My Divorce Status Online?
Short answer: No. Unfortunately, in this province it’s not possible to look up your divorce status in Ontario online. However, you can apply for certain information about your own divorce through one of several means.
2. How Do I Get the Information?
First, you can obtain your records by going to the specific courthouse where your divorce was filed. You can also make the request by mail. You will need to supply various information, such as the name of the parties, the court file number (if you have it), and the year that the divorce was filed.
As another option, you can go through the federal Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings (CRDP) for certain types of information about your divorce. This registry is located in Ottawa, and its mandate includes gathering information from the Ontario courts to keep track of pending proceedings. It also serves as an archive of divorces judgments that have already been granted.
You can either call the CRDP (at (613) 957-4519) or you can visit their website to fill out or download a Search Request Form, which you must print out and send to the address listed on the form, which is:
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings (CRDP)
Department of Justice Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0H8
You will also need to provide specific details such as:
- Your full name on the day before your marriage
- Your former spouse’s full name on the day before your marriage
- Your date of birth
- Your former spouse’s date of birth
- The date you married
There are certain types of information you can request through this process; they include:
- The Court Number and CRDP Registration Number for your matter
- The date and disposition of divorce proceedings
- The location and telephone number where the divorce proceedings was filed
- The date the divorce application was filed
Note the CRDP cannot give you any detailed information, such as the status of your divorce proceedings. It also cannot provide a copy of your Divorce Certificate.
For divorces that were already granted some time ago, you will likely have to go a different route. For example, if your divorce was finalized before 1968, you may have to apply to Library and Archives Canada, which has an “Acts of Divorce” database. It documents divorces up to 1968. Again, you will have supply certain information before being given access to your specific records.
3. How Do I Get a Copy of My Divorce Order?
In Ontario, you can apply for a copy of your finalized Divorce Order, which is a public document, as long as you provide the required case number and pay a nominal fee of $25.
Once again, you will have to supply information such as the court location, file number, and the year the divorce was granted (and if you don’t have this information, you can consult the CRDP). You make the request online using a My Ontario account or you can apply to the specific courthouse by mail, or in person.
4. Can I See Another Person’s Divorce Records?
If you are looking for information about someone else’s divorce, you must use the longer Search Request and Consent Form, and file it with the CDRP as before. However, this kind of access is extremely narrow, and is typically limited to circumstances where you have the consent of one of the parties, or where you need the information to enforce the law.
It’s important to remember that Canadian law takes the privacy of divorce proceedings seriously, so unless you have a legitimate reason, it’s unlikely you’ll gain access to sensitive details or financial information pertaining to someone else.
If your request is approved, you may be able to confirm some limited information, such as the fact that the particular individual is indeed divorced, or has filed for divorce.
With that said, in some cases you may be able to find out the outcome of a divorce ruling made by a judge in that other person’s divorce, since these court orders are considered public documents and are available on CanLII.org.
Checking your divorce status in Canada is possible, but there are strict procedures to be followed. If you need help to navigate the system, give our offices a call.