What Your Kids Really Think About Divorce
Kids and divorce rarely make up a pleasant combination. As you might guess, everyone reacts to the situation differently. What these children think, at the time of the divorce, typically helps to shape them into the adults they eventually become. Read further to learn more about some of the things that kids REALLY think about their parents splitting up. The information might surprise you!
The Idea of Marriage May Scare Them
Generally, when a child of divorce gets older, they may shy away from the idea of marrying someone because of their parent’s divorce. Your kids may be scared that they will make the same “mistakes” and end up divorced as well.
More Likely to be Very Monogamous, or a Cheater.
If there was infidelity in your relationship, there is a chance that it will affect the way your children handle their relationships. Your children may grow up and become very committed to their partner to ensure that cheating will never happen, or they may follow in the cheating parent’s footsteps and do the same to their future partner(s).
Working on Issues Well Into Adulthood
Your children may have issues from your divorce that affect them well into their adult life. As your children get older, they may analyze their own behavior, opinions and traits, whether good or bad, and recognize how their parent’s divorce has impacted it all. Often they will seek professional help to address the issues and hopefully overcome them.
Afraid of Divorce
Divorce can be scary and stressful, but your divorce may frighten your children so much that they aren’t able to properly handle it in their own relationship. According to GoodMenProject.com, your children may wonder if divorce is genetic, or pre-programmed somehow.
Your children may stay in a hurtful relationship because they are afraid of the stresses of divorce, or they may not want to get married at all. After all, if they never marry, then there’s no possibility for a divorce to happen.
Fine & Associates: Your Family and Divorce Law Experts
Are you going through a divorce and have questions about custodial issues? Contact Fine & Associates at 647-496-6057 today. Our team of legal professionals will be with you every step of the way and answer any questions you might have about the process of divorce and your legal rights to custody.