The realization that a marriage relationship which once held the promise of a bright future for two people is coming to an end, is almost always a bitter pill to swallow, however divorce mediation can help guide frustrated couples successfully and safely through the potentially disastrous minefield of divorce.
The trauma of divorce can also be made worse because of the inherent issues that...
Children and divorce are often a recipe for heartache. Early childhood educators may know this better than anyone, as they are usually on the front lines of dealing with their student’s confusion and emotions. Besides offering support, educators are often drawn up into the battle as one parent or both attempts to gain an ally by presenting their side of the story (often with...
Divorce is never a pleasant topic, neither are the implications of it on the parties involved. However, it is safe to say that the children bare the brunt of it all in more ways than one. This is why it is so important to have a Toronto divorce lawyer present during the whole ordeal. Many of these children also end up feeling rejected and in some cases, children feel like they are the actual...
As traumatic as Divorce may be for the parents involved – it still does not come close to the trauma that the children experience during this entire process. The children caught in the process of litigation and custody matters often suffer mixed emotions and this in return affects them in many areas of their life. Aside from being exposed to parental anger and stress during the parenting...
Though child custody in a divorce proceeding is common, it can be complicated. Parents may feel that they are the victim of parental alienation during this time. This term was coined by Dr. Richard Gardner, which states that one parent brainwashes the child against the other parent to make the child reject that parent and yet think it was their idea. Many times child abuse is alleged by the...
For most spouses undergoing legal separation or divorce, child access and custody is a primary point of contention. Daycare or school facilities and staff are frequent expressional outlets of emotional anguish for parents embroiled in acrimonious domestic relations disputes.
Parents desire periodic reprieves from stressful child access and custody battles. By the same token, children require...
Devising parenting plans for couples involved in turbulent divorces is very challenging. These couples communicate using contrived statements, which preempt the responses of the other. Each party seeks to rectify the perceived injustice of past deeds and with every move they intensify their mutual hatred, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They use esoteric phrases and deliberately...
Parental separation is a subject that is rarely discussed. When infants are separated from their parents, they cry. Separation causes anxiety from all ages. The pain of parental separation can be examined and ways of coping can be suggested. Let’s examine parental separation in some categories.
The teen that is finally going away to college; yeah! Well, this synopsis sounds wonderful but...
Unfortunately post separation issues can still pop up after a divorce is long over. For some, it may seem like the turmoil of divorce will seemingly never end. Many families discover a whole new set of problems when one parent or both move on and start new families. The creation of the new family often creates tension and emotional havoc upon the existing children.
Inevitable Issues When...
During the last decade, an innovative approach to divorce, which avoids court proceedings altogether, has been providing a new kind of role for social workers. Instead of the traditional adversarial system, in which each side either wins or loses, Collaborative Family Law, or CFL, focuses on a teamwork approach, in which the parties have legal support, but settle between themselves.