After the first ten years of marriage, you felt that you’d made it – gotten through all there was to get through with your spouse. After twenty years of building a life together, you probably noticed how special your relationship was in terms of longevity alone. But at 30 years of marriage, you’re considering getting a divorce.
Are You Considering Getting a Divorce?
It happens. In fact, it’s...
Cheating of some kind (sexual, emotional, facebook) is common in relationships. Even if the person who has been cheated on saw it coming, knows the relationship is troubled, or has suspected infidelity in the past, there is still no way to emotionally prepare for the fact that your partner has, in whatever way, chosen someone else over you.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
For some people,...
According to a 2011 General Social Survey on Families, around five million Canadians either divorced or separated sometime within the last 20 years.
Clinical counselor Bill Wagg said: “We are the first and second generation to have such a high divorce rate. In the last 10 years, there’s been a real effort to have children spend equal time with each parent. We don’t know yet...
People who have gone through divorce can tell you that the process is never easy. Emotions run high and most couples make regrettable mistakes. Given the amount of financial, emotional and practical details that have to be addressed, it’s often common for most couples to make mistakes during divorce. Before the divorce has been finalized, couples move on with their lives and meet someone new....
Everyone has heard horror stories of long and nasty divorces that get drawn out, while there are just as many stories of quick and simple cases that open and close without any hassle. Why are some divorces quick and easy and others such a messy disaster? While it is possible to file some of the paperwork yourself, family law in Ontario is complex and there are many factors to consider. Since...
Divorce is not easy and it’s often not as amicable as you can hope. Our Toronto family lawyers can help you in this process. During divorce, either party could experience the loss of their home, comfort, finances or security. Navigating through divorce is a tricky process; the emotions that you experience can make it difficult to think or act clearly, so you may end up making regrettable...
What are the telltale signs that your marriage is on the rocks? There are different signs of impending divorce with each unique to certain situations. Some people think that their marriages would never end in divorce only to get surprised later in life when sitting in a family law court. If your marriage is falling apart, you could get help from a marriage counselor.
In cases where one partner...
Divorce papers can come as a shock especially if one spouse is caught off guard. Failure to deal with marital problems once they emerge leads to resentment and contempt. Experts have concluded that marriages do not break, they erode with time. Most couples will end up divorcing because they did not address certain issues once they emerged. Below is a list of signs that your marriage is on the...
Before you file for divorce, you need to assess how it would affect your life. There are various issues that emerge when you file for divorce; they include child custody and support, equitable property settlement or prenuptial agreements. Most people file for divorce not knowing the consequences it could have on their lives. A free consultation with an experienced divorce lawyer will enlighten...
One of the most common mistakes made by individuals going through a divorce process is failure to hire a divorce lawyer. Most people will opt to represent themselves (pro se representation) legally in an attempt to save money. There are many disadvantages to pro se representation and it may be more expensive than hiring a divorce lawyer. Moving forward with a divorce process without the proper...