Some life changing events are nearly impossible to pull through without the help of others. A divorce is usually one of the hardest events to face in life, hence it is important to properly handle all the complicated details that unfortunately come during a divorce process. Choosing to hire a family lawyer in Toronto will make everything associated with your specific divorce much easier, and...
Wondering how long does it take to get a divorce in Ontario? As in most other places, getting divorced in Ontario can be a difficult and time-consuming process. This is especially true when couples have a hard time communicating with one another and cannot reach acceptable agreements concerning the division of assets and the establishment of child custody and child support the process becomes...
Though child custody in a divorce proceeding is common, it can be complicated. Parents may feel that they are the victim of parental alienation during this time. This term was coined by Dr. Richard Gardner, which states that one parent brainwashes the child against the other parent to make the child reject that parent and yet think it was their idea. Many times child abuse is alleged by the...