Sometimes couples find themselves on two different sides of what seems like an impossible divide. Their relationship may be fractured from past transgressions, suffer from the resentment held by one or both parties or they may have two completely different viewpoints about their current situation.
Reconciliation Counseling
In many of these cases, they enter into reconciliation counseling as a...
When the parents of a child get divorced, the resulting instability can be difficult for a child to adapt to. To some extent, it is normal for a child to be upset, and you should expect minor behavioural or mood issues in your child. However, it is important to recognize red flags for more serious issues, and to know what you can do to help your child.
That’s why we put together this...
The first thing that should be done is become informed. It is incredible how many people have no idea about the financial situation of their family or their spouses. Gather as many documents as possible to substantiate your respective assets and liabilities as of the date of marriage and the date of separation (ie. bank statements, financial statements etc.). You should also make all...
In some of our cases, the parties separation has been “brewing” for quite some time. One or both parties may think about separating from their spouse, but they do not approach a lawyer. He/she may be preparing emotionally and financially to separate from his/her spouse. In other cases, a spouse may be surprised to learn that his/her spouse wants to separate. It comes as a...
A separation/ Divorce is a very traumatic event. It is important to find a Family/Divorce lawyer that you can work with and assist you during this difficult time in your life. Some lawyers are willing to listen to your feelings while others are strictly business. You have to decide which type of lawyer you want. (more…)
When there are children of the relationship, or a spousal support obligation, it is important to have a provision in any separation agreement dealing with life insurance. These provisions serve as security for child support/spousal support in the event that the support payor dies while the dependent is entitled to child/spousal support. (more…)
There is a recent decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal, Webb v. Birkett, wherein the court held that Family Law Lawyers, whether engaged in mediation, the collaborative law process, or any other process, has a duty to obtain full and complete financial disclosure, unless the client, being properly informed, waives the requirement.
The Court of Appeal held that it is the duty of every lawyer...
This section provides that in determining a person’s income for child support purposes, you must look at the total income until line 150 in a person’s Income Tax Return and adjust the income as required by Schedule III to the Guidelines. (more…)
This section addresses the situation when a spouse “exercises a right of access to, or has physical custody of, a child for not less than 40% of the time over the course of a year”. (more…)